Change yaml file

Hi, I am a beginner in computer vision and YOLO. I have a question about the yolo11-obb.yaml file. How can I add a CBAM layer or any other layer to this file? When I searched in the Ultralytics repository, I saw that CBAM exists in the conv file, but I don’t know how to add this layer to yolo11-obb.yaml. Could you please help me? Thank you!

Firstly, good on you for checking that the module exists, many people miss this step! Second, I always recommend to just try it out, even if/when you’re not sure how to do something, you might have an idea of how and if the risk is low (it usually is with software) there’s no reason not to try.

Modify the YAML file with the layer additions or replacements you’d like to have. You’ll have to fiddle the with the arguments to make sure it works (especially since there is an infinite number of combinations you could make), but I would recommend looking at the differences in the arguments for any module you’re replacing or if you’re adding new layers, compare the YAML arguments against modules with similar arguments.

If you want, you can follow these modifications to enable CBAM. This isn’t anything official, so if there are bugs, it’s not necessarily ultralytics related.

thank’s for your answer.