When only one class needs bounding box and the other dosent need , does Yolo ignote the other one?

Hello dear friends

I have to do a problem where I have to predict bounding box if the image belongs to class 1 or itโ€™d need to give me the label 0 and move on

lable text files look like this
for 1:
1 0.3 0.34 0.44 0.5
and for 0 :

However when I finetune my model on it shows the follwoing

WARNING โš ๏ธ /content/datasets/coco128/images/train2017/000000000009.jpg: ignoring corrupt image/label: labels require 5 columns, 1 columns detected

Now i am not sure if it ignores the whole image for me and if so, then it isnt training on it at all.

AM I supposed to build a saperate model for classification, or should YoLo be taking care of it