Ultralytics HUB bug training VOC, COCO, VisDrone in Colab

I am using ultralytics to train yolov5m model on Google Colab. I use the API token given in hub UI.
I have tried using COCO2017, VOC, VisDrone. Everytime, the dataset is extracted successfully. However, the training does not proceed.
The error I am getting is as follow:

Ultralytics: train: Error loading data from ['/content/datasets/VOC/images/train2012', '/content/datasets/VOC/images/train2007', '/content/datasets/VOC/images/val2012', '/content/datasets/VOC/images/val2007']: train: /content/datasets/VOC/images/train2012 does not exist
See https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/wiki/Train-Custom-Data

I have attached a screen shot of the output of

@Fadoua thanks for the bug report! I’ll try to reproduce this and see what the issue might be.

@Fadoua yes I see the same error you are seeing on training VOC. I’ll investigate a fix ASAP and update here once resolved.

@KalenMichael FYI

@Fadoua @KalenMichael good news :smiley:! Your original issue may now be fixed :white_check_mark: in HUB VOC fix by glenn-jocher · Pull Request #9792 · ultralytics/yolov5 · GitHub.

To receive this update you can simply train a new Ultralytics HUB model in a fresh Colab notebook. This will clone YOLOv5 again with the fix included.

Thank you for spotting this issue and informing us of the problem. Please let us know if this update resolves the issue for you, and feel free to inform us of any other issues you discover or feature requests that come to mind. Happy trainings with Ultralytics HUB :rocket:!