Tracking metrics low

I am running my yolo11 people detection model on the personpath22 dataset then evaluating the results using trackeval, im using the following code to save the tracking results for comparison:

from ultralytics import YOLO
import os

# Load trained model
model = YOLO("") (also tried w model trained on roboflow crowd dataset)

path = "/content/drive/MyDrive/tracking-dataset/dataset/personpath22/raw_data"
dir = os.listdir(path)

from os import path
with open('/content/drive/MyDrive/TrackEval/data/gt/person_path_22/seqmaps/person_path_22-test.txt','r') as f:
    file_names = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]

for file in dir:
  if file in file_names:
    # Perform tracking on your video or image sequence
    results = model.track(source='/content/drive/MyDrive/tracking-dataset/dataset/personpath22/raw_data/'+file, classes=0, persist=True,stream=True)

    # Save results in MOTChallenge format (frame, id, bbox, conf)
    with open(f"/content/drive/MyDrive/TrackEval/data/trackers/person_path_22-test/yolo_bot/data/{file}.txt", 'w') as f:
        for frame_id, result in enumerate(results):
            for box in result.boxes:
                # Check if is not None before accessing its attributes
                if is not None:
                    bbox = box.xyxy[0].tolist()  # Convert from tensor to list
                    track_id =  # Get track id
                    conf = box.conf.item()  # Get confidence score

I got a result of HOTA=36.31, MOTA= 38.25, IDF1=39.15. The results are very low compared to benchmarks of around 80. the model did very good on detection. how can I improve these results?

There are lots of things to try. You can try adjust the parameters for conf or iou. Additionally you could try other trackers and try adjusting the tracking parameters. Training a model with data more similar to your application would also help. Definitely read up on the track mode in the docs too.