New Release: Ultralytics v8.2.72

:star2: Ultralytics Release v8.2.72

We are thrilled to announce the release of Ultralytics YOLO v8.2.72! This update brings significant improvements in disk space management, documentation, model enhancements, and testing. Here’s a quick overview of what’s new:

:bar_chart: Key Changes

  • Disk Space Management: Added a step in CI workflows to clean up tool cache, potentially freeing up to 10GB of disk space.
  • Documentation:
    • Improved with better references and added an FAQ section.
    • Updated ROS Quickstart guide for better clarity and specific use cases.
  • Model Enhancements:
    • Adjustments in SAM prediction models for better handling of bounding boxes and points.
    • Refined Transformer model’s forward method.
  • Testing Improvements: Added extra checks for Torch compatibility in tests.

:dart: Purpose & Impact

  • Disk Space Management:
    • Purpose: Ensure workflows run smoothly without disk space issues.
    • Impact: Enhanced reliability in CI pipelines, preventing build failures due to insufficient disk space. :broom::floppy_disk:
  • Documentation:
    • Purpose: Provide clearer guidance and support to contributors.
    • Impact: Makes contributing easier and more accessible, fostering community contributions. :open_book::busts_in_silhouette:
  • Model Enhancements:
    • Purpose: Optimize model predictions and enhance functionality.
    • Impact: Improves performance and accuracy of object detection and other tasks. :chart_with_upwards_trend::robot:
  • Testing Improvements:
    • Purpose: Ensure better compatibility and comprehensive testing.
    • Impact: Increases robustness and reliability of the software across different environments. :white_check_mark::test_tube:

These updates collectively aim to improve the project’s maintainability, user experience, and performance.

:rocket: What’s Changed

:busts_in_silhouette: New Contributors

:scroll: Full Changelog

For a detailed list of all changes, please refer to the Full Changelog.

We encourage you to try out the new release and share your feedback. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve and evolve Ultralytics YOLO. Thank you for being a part of our community!

Release URL