New Release: Ultralytics v8.2.70

:tada: Announcing Ultralytics v8.2.70 Release! :tada:

Hello Ultralytics Community,

We are thrilled to announce the release of Ultralytics v8.2.70! This update brings a host of exciting new features and improvements designed to enhance your experience and streamline your workflows.

:star2: Key Features and Improvements

:bar_chart: Workflow Adjustment

  • Black Code Formatter: We’ve integrated the Black code formatter into our GitHub Actions workflow. This ensures consistent code formatting across the codebase, reducing errors and improving readability.

:books: Documentation Expansion

  • Enhanced Documentation: We’ve made significant additions to our documentation, including detailed guides and FAQ sections for various integrations and models. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, you’ll find valuable information to help you get the most out of Ultralytics.

:new: New Model Support

  • Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM2): We’re excited to introduce support for SAM2, an advanced model for comprehensive object segmentation in images and videos. SAM2 offers real-time performance and zero-shot generalization, making it a powerful tool for complex segmentation tasks.

:dart: Purpose & Impact

  • Consistency in Code Formatting: By adding Black to our workflow, we ensure that our codebase maintains high standards of consistency and readability.
  • Enhanced Documentation: Our expanded documentation provides clear explanations and examples, making it easier for users of all levels to understand and utilize our models and integrations.
  • Advanced Model Capabilities: With the introduction of SAM2, we broaden the capabilities of the Ultralytics framework, particularly for applications requiring precise and efficient object segmentation.

:rocket: What’s Changed

For a detailed list of all changes, check out the Full Changelog.

:globe_with_meridians: Try It Out and Share Your Feedback!

We encourage you to try out the new release and explore the enhanced features. Your feedback is invaluable to us, so please share your thoughts and experiences with the new version.

Release URL

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SAM 2 support is the new 8.2.70 killer feature :slight_smile:

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