How to Combine Model Weights in YOLOv8?

I’m trying to combine the weights of multiple yolov8n models. It does not seem to be currently supported within the ultralytics package, so I’m wondering if there is a clean way to do this manually?

I have tried loading the models with:
#load trained models as state_dicts

modelA = torch.load('', map_location=torch.device('cpu'))['model'].state_dict()
modelB = torch.load('', map_location=torch.device('cpu'))['model'].state_dict()

#average trained model weights
modelC = ... #---some method of averaging weights---

#initialize final model
model = YOLO('yolov8n.yaml')

#Load new weights into a dummy torch model

torchmodel = torch.load('', map_location=torch.device('cpu'))['model']

#load torch model into yolov8n model

Unfortunately this does not seem to work as expected. I have tried this method without altering weights by simply stripping and reloading a state_dict and it appears that the weights end up getting shuffled around during the process.

Has anyone encountered this or come across a solution for editing weights in yolov8 models?

If anyone else stumbles upon this issue, I figured out my mistake.
When loading a state_dict back into a torch model, you must use:

For a full implementation on a yolov8 model, see below:

#create empty yolov8 model
model = YOLO('yolov8n.yaml')
#load weights from desired model as state_dict
torchmodel_sd = torch.load('')['model'].state_dict()
'''perform some operations on weights'''
#load a dummy torch model with same architecture as target model
torchmodel = torch.load('')
#load modified weights into torch model
#load torch model into yolov8 model
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Alright, so it turns out (unsurprisingly in hindsight) that torch is not necessary for this, since yolov8 is based on PyTorch :woozy_face:.

Simply, you can strip, edit, and reload weights from an Ultralytics model as follows:

mymodel = YOLO('path/to/model')
weights = mymodel.model.state_dict()
'''some operation on weights'''
mymodel.reset_weights()    #probably not required, but good for troubleshooting
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