Can i train YOLOV5 in video datset?

Quick question!!. I have VisDrone Video dataset for object detection. Anyway i’ll use the model for video detection only.

Can i provide video dataset as input for training yolov5. If yes, how to do that? can someone provide reference for that.

@vijay VisDone training is super simple. Dataset downloads automatically on first use:

python --data VisDrone.yaml

Thats awesome glenn.
Can i use this VisDrone-VID Dataset for training? It has video sequences not images. Even the labels files are in different files

@vijay oh! Well, you could parse the videos into images and train that way, but no, there’s no direct training on videos currently with YOLOv5.

@Glenn I have a VisDrone-MOT dataset which consists of videos and its corresponding labels.
Should I now convert the videos into frames for creating the dataset(create yaml files too) or is there any way Yolov8 can be trained on Video dataset?