Balance Classes During Training - Yolov11

Hello and thank you for this help forum.

I try to train a yolov11 model with a certain subset of classes from the CityScapes dataset.

As my results so far are only moderate, I would like to try another approach and use a weighted data loader in order to have balanced classes during training.

I tried to follow these intructions to achieve this:

The approach seems to work on my local machine (which does not have GPU support) but when I use it on the data cluster of my research institution, it seems that the class YOLOWeightedDataset is not used although I monkey patched it over dataset.YOLODataset.

After a lot of debugging and banging my head against the keyboard I now think that somewhere in YOLO.train() a new process is spawned that does not know about the monkey patch and therefore would not use it.

Is there another way to achieve a weight balanced training, e.g. by invoking my custom class YOLOWeightedDataset in a different way with the YOLO.train() method?

Here is what I did so far:

from ultralytics import YOLO
import as data
import as dataset
import as build

import numpy as np

class YOLOWeightedDataset(data.dataset.YOLODataset):
    def __init__(self, *args, data=None, task="train", **kwargs):
        Initialize the WeightedDataset.

            class_weights (list or numpy array): A list or array of weights corresponding to each class.
        super(YOLOWeightedDataset, self).__init__(*args, data=data, task=task, **kwargs)

        self.train_mode = "train" in self.prefix

        # You can also specify weights manually instead
        class_weights = np.sum(self.counts) / self.counts

        # Aggregation function
        self.agg_func = np.mean

        self.class_weights = np.array(class_weights)
        self.weights = self.calculate_weights()
        self.probabilities = self.calculate_probabilities()

    ... # rest of the code from

dataset.YOLODataset = YOLOWeightedDataset

model = YOLO("")


It also might be worth mentioning that I run this code in a Jupyter Notebook on my research institution’s cluster.

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

@Toxite might be able to answer this more definitely, but I’d guess that it doesn’t work for multiple GPUs. You could try setting device=0 instead to see if that helps.

Thank you @BurhanQ!

I just found out that the author of the page I linked also provided some instructions for multiple GPUS (Google Colab).

This will definitely be my next approach.

Please let me know if you have any other insight!

The callbacks would still not work with multi-GPU. Neither monkey-patching, nor callbacks work with multi-GPU training. You will have to modify the source code to make the modifications stick. By adding the YOLOWeightedDataset to this file:

And then changing YOLODataset in this line to YOLOWeightedDataset:

Thanks for your insight, @Toxite !

So, do I understand you right that the code that the auther provides in their Colab will just not work? I find it strange that they would publish a code that was not tested before.

However, I also had no success testing the approach provided in the colab…

Thanks! It seems that worked.

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